A number of faqs from Woody's Chips are listed below:
What is the best way to cook Woodys?
All Woodys potato products can be cooked either using a deep fat fryer or in the oven. If you are using a deep fat fryer, make sure the oil or fat is at the right temperature (190 deg). This will ensure that minimal fat is adsorbed thereby keeping the fat content as low as possible. We like to toss our Woodys in a little Sea Salt before serving
If you want to oven cook Woodys for a really fat free experience, lay them flat onto a baking tray, separated out, spray with a little good quality cooking oil and bake in a hot oven - at least 190 deg.
Cooking time will vary depending on how golden you want your Woody's to be.
What Does Woody's Product Range Include
Woody's produce 100% real fresh home cut chips, wedges and roast potatoes. The chips come in 4 styles: regular, steakcut, skinny and Chippy style. Wedges are available plain or ridge cut.
Can Woody's be Frozen?
Whilst we always advocate that any Woody's potato product is best cooked fresh, Woodys can also be frozen. Here are a few steps to ensure success:
1) Before freezing, lay the chips, roasties or wedges onto a flat tray evenly separated out
2) Freeze whilst on the tray
3) Put frozen Woody's into a container and keep in the freezer
4) This is the really important bit - DO NOT DEFROST before cooking which can either be in the oven or in a deep fat fryer
5) Frozen Woodys products will easily keep in perfect condition for at least 1 month
Are Woody's Chips really Fat Free?
Woody’s Chips have been certified as being Fat Free by the respected Rowett Institute , University of Aberdeen. Compared to leading frozen brands pre-coated with oil, the results are stunning. Woody’s Chips, when oven cooked with sunflower spray, are officially ‘Fat Free’ as per Dept of Health and Foods Standard Agency guidelines. Major supermarket frozen stocked brands generally have at least 4.5% fat content..
But it’s all very well being Fat Free, it’s the taste that really matters and Woody’s Chips are amongst the tastiest on the market. Many of Scotland’s premium restaurants and catering companies use Woody’s and won’t look anywhere else. Woody’s are now launched for retail purchase.