Woody’s Chips are Fresh Cut and that means tip top quality
With our specially grown potatoes producing freshly prepared chips, we supply top restaurants and bistros throughout Scotland. We also supply some of the toughest critics – University students and they wouldn’t have any other chip on their plates
Apart from using only the best fresh home grown potatoes one of the other vital ingredients is our fresh organic spring water from our borehole at Navity farm.
Woody’s Chips are Fat Free when cooked in vegetable oil and still taste fantastic
Keen and committed environmentalist Ivan Wood & Sons, employed a water diviner who using traditional methods to pinpoint a potential source, advised drilling at a set point. The drill went down 390 feet and nothing! Then it became a bit like a Hollywood movie when someone said, “C’mon, let’s go a bit further” and at just an extra 13 feet down it was like a Texas Oil strike with water gushing everywhere.
The crystal clear, fresh spring water is now pumped via solar power into a triple UV water filtration system and tested regular to ensure the highest standards.
But the story doesn’t end there. The spring water was intended for processing the Ivan Wood fresh vegetable range. At that time, if a customer wanted chips they were almost all sourced from Holland. Deep frozen, highly processed and resulting in over 100K road miles every year.